Amelia and I met while in Ireland for an amazing photography workshop. We immediately hit it off and had a blast hanging out. From that we had the brilliant idea of forming a photography sorority so we can meet other girls who want to hang out and talk about photography and just have a really great time!
If you are a girl photographer and you want to become an Alpha Kappa Camera send us an email!
We have lots of fun stuff coming up!
I had so much fun! Justin and I went Pubbin' again the next night in Kinvara. Our dear friend, Dulta (Sp?) was not there, but they had the music again. I totally want to join the Alpha Kappa Camera group! :-) You two were hilarious! We totally need to get together for lunch! I should be heading to the east valley maybe sometime next week. I'll email you my number and we'll have to hook up!
Holy Cow, this is awesome Cristi!
hey Brandi, glad to know you think we are funny instead of crazy. Always a plus!
Welcome to AKCamera :)
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